“To give what is really needed” project summary

“To give what is really needed” – is a unique project, the only one in Poland, which was among the seven finalists awarded by the European Commission under the European Employment and Social Innovation Program (“EaSI”) 2014-2020. Its goal was to test and introduce a new model of home care for dependent, chronically and terminally

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New model of care versus implementation – a debate in Makówka

We invited home hospices to discuss the care model and its implementation. The meeting was organized in cooperation with the NGO Support Center. Representatives of home hospices from all over Poland responded to our invitation. At the meeting, we presented the genesis of the new model of care, which was tested within the framework of

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Mr. Andrzej, a miner from Podlasie

Mr. Andrzej is one of our younger patients. His story begins in Maciejkowa Gora, where he was born as one of seven siblings. There was no elementary school there, and so from an early age he commuted to Nowa Wola. After graduating from it, he moved to the other end of Poland, as far as

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A tractor operator from Krzywiec

Mr. Gregory was born and has lived all his life in the village of Krzywiec. He was close to school, as it was literally “over the fence.” He graduated from an agricultural vocational school and began working at the Agricultural Production Cooperative in Krzywiec as a tractor operator. He met his wife while working in

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We are popularizing the functionning of the new long-term care model in rural areas

Shortly after our speeches at the ROPS convention (information in previous article), we were invited to present the needs of seniors in rural areas and how we work providing long-term care. The meeting on deinstitutionalization of social services was organized by organizations representing the social services sector and the Regional Center for Social Policy (ROPS)

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Meeting at the nursing home

Adam Kujawa, who cooperates with us, and I visited the residents of the “Jawor” Nursing Home in the village of Jałówka, located near the Belarusian border. This is an institution that provides 24-hour care for chronically mentally ill people and is also a partner in a social support network. The meeting was attended by 16

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New model of care leading theme of the debate of the Convention of Directors of Regional Centres of Social Policy

On 29-30 September 2022, the Convention of Directors of Regional Centres for Social Policy (ROPS) was held in Białystok. The meeting was attended by directors of ROPS, directors of health departments of Marshal’s Offices from all over the country, representatives of local government authorities, municipal and urban-municipal social assistance centres and a team implementing a

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Close to the border

Mrs Jadzia, although she is 96 years old looks barely like an “elderly woman”. She lives with her daughter near the Belarusian border, where groups of refugees have often camped. They viewed such images from the window of their home with sorrow.When her health began to decline with age, her daughter Jola left England, where

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Mr. Mikołaj – life on the verge

There is a small, old house in the middle of the forest. No neighbors, no asphalt road, the silence is broken only by the sounds of forest game or the wind in the tree branches. Who lives in this forgotten place? Mr. Mikołaj, a lonely, elderly man without a leg, moving in a wheelchair. Mr.

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We summarize the activities in the November-December 2021 project

KOOZ carries out its activities in 5 communes, including visits to charges combined with the examination of their needs. With the participation of the home hospice medical team and network partners, KOOZ supports and satisfies the current medical and non-medical needs using the network resources in winter season – especially difficult for many dependent people

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