Educational meeting for the Rural Housewives’ Circle in Narew

On 04 October 2022 in the hall of the Municipal Public Library in Narew, a meeting was held with Ms Elżbieta Czaczkowska, a trainer of psychomotor activities and gymnastics, who presented us with ways to keep our bodies and spirits healthy, full of strength and harmony. Members of the Narew Rural Housewives’ Circle and housewives were invited to the meeting. The meeting was attended by 19 people.

Among other things, Ms Elżbieta pointed out that if we become aware of our responsibility for our own life, we will not passively exist and be dependent on circumstances or others. Also, conscious work with the body makes us active and ready to interact with those around us, included in the life of our families and communities.

The speaker presented the topic in a very interesting way, carried out several exercises with the group, answered questions asked by the audience and, at the end, encouraged them to use Slavic gymnastics, which assumes that the power of every human being is the strength and energy they emanate.

The meeting lasted over two hours.


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