In the months of July – December 2021, we were building a network of local partnerships in poviats and communes. As a result of networking meetings with our Partners in municipalities, a repository of information on services and activities in local communities was created.
During this time, we made many valuable contacts. The role of partnerships is to provide the support for the group of patients in cooperation with the care coordinator (KOOZ) in order to meet the emerging needs of this group of dependent, terminally and chronically ill people and their home carers.
How does the network work? Network members participate in cyclical summary meetings, cooperate closely with KOOZ, act within their competences, but also respond to the needs specified by KOOZ and come up with their own support initiative.
The strength of networking is to increase the awareness of local communities about the needs of dependents and their caregivers and to increase the power of impact in specific cases, because we create a kind of extended support team that has become acquainted over the past few months. It is much easier now to communicate and reach out to discuss and together organize help for our dependent patients and their home carers.
In the upcoming months, we will continue to work together and, if possible, expand the list of network partners.