Post Scriptum – Priorities in Health Care 2023 conference
Post Scriptum – Priorities in Health Care 2023 conference was held on 26.01.2023, at which one of the invited guests was doctor Pawel Grabowski. The organizers of the conference were Termedia Publishing House , Editorial Boards of “Health Manager” and “Medical Courier”. The event is a continuation of Priorities in Health Care, during which for
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Our educational activities
We are not only well known but also active in the local environment. We carry out educational activities for the partners of the social support network, volunteers and home caregivers. What meetings have we conducted? April 27, 2022 – a meeting with a home hospice doctor for the caregivers of our charges and members
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Helping seniors in rural areas impulse for change
Tailored assistance for rural seniors Comprehensive assistance tailored to individual needs or visits by a medical caregiver and nutritionist. This is part of the scope of the EU project “To give what is really needed”, implemented by the Prophet Elijah Hospice Foundation in Michałowo. The innovative care, which allows people to spend their last days
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We talk about innovation in the FARMWELL project
FARMWELL is an international project that aims to improve the quality of life of farmers, their families and entire rural communities by identifying and increasing the availability of social innovations. The project is being implemented from January 2021 by partners from 6 European countries: Hungary, Poland, Romania, Belgium, Italy and Greece. In Poland, two cooperating
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Information about innovation in media
We talk about innovation “To give what is really needed” and about the realities of health care in rural areas.
Czytaj dalejEducational meeting for the Rural Housewives’ Circle in Narew
On 04 October 2022 in the hall of the Municipal Public Library in Narew, a meeting was held with Ms Elżbieta Czaczkowska, a trainer of psychomotor activities and gymnastics, who presented us with ways to keep our bodies and spirits healthy, full of strength and harmony. Members of the Narew Rural Housewives’ Circle and housewives
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