Mr. Andrzej, a miner from Podlasie

Mr. Andrzej is one of our younger patients. His story begins in Maciejkowa Gora, where he was born as one of seven siblings. There was no elementary school there, and so from an early age he commuted to Nowa Wola.

After graduating from it, he moved to the other end of Poland, as far as city of Bytom. There he intended to seek a job in mining, but first he graduated from the Vocational School with a major in mining. The school prepared him for his profession. He was quickly employed at the Centrum Mine in Bytom as a miner – deposit exploiter and got a company apartment in a hotel. He liked the mining profession very much, and although the work was hard, it brought him satisfaction.

After 4 years of work, there was a serious accident. During a methane explosion in the mine, he suffered a serious leg injury. He was hospitalized for six months, then after hospitalization he returned home to Podlasie. Waiting for him was a small house on a shared habitat, where his mother and brother’s house also stood. He settled in it and until recently supported himself independently.

Six months ago he suffered a stroke and a brain attack. Once again he found himself in the hospital. And then again treatment, rehabilitation and return home. This time he came back already less fit and it is difficult for him to move on his own. He received a disability group and a pension.

Today, in everyday life, he needs not only the help of his family, but also the professional support of our home hospice. He is regularly visited by our doctor and physiotherapist. Thanks to all the help, he now feels so good that he even went to a stationary rehabilitation in Michałowo on his own. The next stage of his recovery will begin soon.

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