Ministry of Health – “Survey on the directions of development of long-term health care in Poland”

The Ministry of Health recognizes the impact of the socio-demographic changes taking place in our country, which make issues concerning the appropriate adjustment of the organization of long-term care increasingly pressing. It is therefore undertaking a strategic review of the long-term care system in Poland. To this end, it is conducting a publicly available online “Opinion poll on the direction of development of health long-term care in Poland” to gather opinions from a wide range of our country’s citizens on the direction of change.

The piloting of the new long-term care model “To give what is really needed”, which the Prophet Elijah Hospice Foundation is conducting together with Partners and the local support network , fits perfectly with the goals of this survey.  We therefore ask you to participate in the “Survey on the directions of development of long-term health care in Poland” and share your opinion in order to influence the shape of changes.

The survey has been prepared by the Ministry of Health in the form of a publicly available online survey, it takes about 10 minutes to complete the survey.

Below is a link to the survey (PL only), available until July 14, 2023.


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