Half a century together

Mr. Bronek and Mrs. Lidka have been together for over half a century, healthy and sick, as they swore once.

After a stroke and head surgery, he has been lying and dependent on his wife for all life activities for five years. Mrs. Lidia is 5 years younger than her husband, she is also a sick, older woman, although despite her ailments, she bravely fulfills her task as a 24-hour caregiver.

Mrs. Lidia, despite the fact that the house has no plumbing or sewage system and there are only wooden stoves to keep the house warm and to cook, she bravely fulfills her duties. For four years now our home hospice helps them in this difficult situation. Our caregivers take care of the shopping, buy prescriptions but also obligatorily bring water from the well in buckets and wood for the stoves. Mr. Bronek can also count on their part to wash, change, pat the back and change clean sheets.

Despite everything, Mrs. Lidka is a very cheerful woman and never complains. She accepts her situation with dignity, always smiles at us and is grateful for the care our hospice offers them.

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