Publications from testing innovations of the “To give what is really needed” project
We invite you to read the publications developed at the end of the testing of the innovation from the project “To give what is really needed”. We publish the final recommendations and conclusions from the testing of the new model of home hospice care in rural areas and from the research accompanying the testing conducted
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“To give what is really needed” project summary
“To give what is really needed” – is a unique project, the only one in Poland, which was among the seven finalists awarded by the European Commission under the European Employment and Social Innovation Program (“EaSI”) 2014-2020. Its goal was to test and introduce a new model of home care for dependent, chronically and terminally
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Conference on promoting the results of the implementation of the new model of hospice home care in rural areas “Give what you really need”
On March 5-6, 2024 in Warsaw, Poland. a conference will be held to share the results of the implementation of the new model of hospice home care in rural areas, “To give what is really needed.” This conference will be a summary of our activities in this model, at which we will present our conclusions
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Why is respite care for the hospice medical team so necessary?
Why is respite care for the hospice medical team so necessary? Psychologist Ms. Grazyna Niewiadomska tells the story According to A. Maslow’s classification, we have five categories of needs: physiological, safety, belonging, esteem, self-actualization. These are universal needs, which include such needs as the need for meaning and purposefulness in work, but also the need
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New model of care versus implementation – a debate in Makówka
We invited home hospices to discuss the care model and its implementation. The meeting was organized in cooperation with the NGO Support Center. Representatives of home hospices from all over Poland responded to our invitation. At the meeting, we presented the genesis of the new model of care, which was tested within the framework of
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We conclude and say thank you
We invited representatives of the local support network to the meeting summarizing the project activity. The creation of a local support network and its cooperation with the medical team of the home hospice was one of the tasks that the project envisioned. We not only accomplished this task by organizing the network and creating baskets
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We present recommendations for change
On October 18-20, 2023, a Convention of Directors of Regional Social Policy Centers from all over Poland was held in Bialystok, with the participation of the Advisor to the President of the Republic of Poland, a representative of the Ombudsman, and directors of Health Departments of Marshal Offices. The purpose of the meeting was to
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Our innovation was promoted in Brussels
The European Week of Regions and Cities (#EURegionsWeek) took place from October 9-12, 2023 in Brussels. This is the European Union’s largest annual event on, among other things, cohesion policy and EU funding for environmental activities. During this event Dr. Pawel Grabowski and Katarzyna Zdanowska promoted our model of professional home care, which we have
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New model of care in the spotlight of the biggest event regarding long-term care in Europe!
25.International Long-Term Care Conference, September 26-28,2023,Torun, Poland „People – residents, patients, their families and care professionals – are the focus of 25th International Long-term Care Conference. Successful care is dependent on their partnership, cooperation and culture of care they co-create. Their shared goal is the patient’s well-being, physical and mental health and an ability to
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Medical team – an essential link
Testing a new model of care in rural areas could not happen without an efficient extended medical team. It is with real pleasure that we present the faces of those who daily commute to visit hospice charges in their homes in the five Podlasie municipalities and tirelessly provide them with medical and care assistance. They
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