New model of care versus implementation – a debate in Makówka

We invited home hospices to discuss the care model and its implementation. The meeting was organized in cooperation with the NGO Support Center.

Representatives of home hospices from all over Poland responded to our invitation. At the meeting, we presented the genesis of the new model of care, which was tested within the framework of three projects: New Model of Home Hospice, Scaling Social Innovation Home Care in Rural Areas, and “Giving What’s Really Needed,” a system of home hospice care in rural areas. We also undertook a discussion with participants on the opportunities and challenges of implementing the model. In three blocks: recommendations for a home care team and dependent care coordinator, recommendations for care networking, and challenges in implementation.

Selected voices of participants in the debate: increased efficiency in providing/receiving care, increased quality and comprehensiveness of care, stimulation of the local community, time and financial savings, improved quality of life for patients and their home caregivers, greater flexibility in staff management. There were also reflections on some of the challenges, such as the high standards the model sets, breaking staff habits, finding and educating competent care coordinators for dependents, raising funds to finance the model.

We would like to thank the participants and facilitators of the meeting for their valuable input in furthering the implementation of the new care model.

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