Mrs. Maria has already lived 94 years in Luplanka Stara

Mrs. Maria was born in Łuplanka Stara before the war. Here she has lived all her life. She was still in first grade when her parents built a new house where they intended to live. But for financial reasons, the building was first used as a local school and 2 rooms were rented to a lady teacher.

Little Marysia helped her mother with cleaning the school and every morning make cocoa to the lady teacher (this was her daily duty) and then ran to school.  During the war the building housed a military hospital.

Ms. Maria and her family eventually moved and lived in their house only after the war. In 1947, Mrs. Maria married a “local.” She had known Michael since childhood, they went to school together, played together and when she was 18, affection came and they married. Her dad died quite early, so they decided to work on her mom’s farm and support the family from that. They lived to have 4 children (two daughters and 2 sons), then there were grandchildren and a great-granddaughter.

Together they lived 67 happy years together. Mr. Michael was a very good, loving husband, he adored his wife outright. He served her every step of the way, relieved her of hard work and always tried to do her some fun… often even brought her tea to bed.

However, their life was not a bed of roses. 10 years ago they experienced a great tragedy, their beloved granddaughter died. This took a toll on their health. Shortly thereafter, death also separated their marriage. Mr. Michael died at the age of 89. However, this was not the end of Maria’s dramas. Then she also experienced the death of her two sons.

After all this, some six years ago, Mrs. Maria also became seriously ill. After a stay in the hospital, she returned home already recumbent.

Since 2017, she has been under the care of our home hospice. She is still a recumbent, fed through a feeding probe. She was visited by a doctor, a nurse, a physiotherapist and the greatest care was provided by her daughter Alina, who moved to Łuplanka after her retirement. She also had help from her siblings, but she is the one who gives her mother round-the-clock care. Ms. Alina lovingly takes care of her mother, although she doesn’t always know if her mother hears her voice or understands what she says to her. But as she says, the most important thing is that mom is still alive.



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