Ms. Julia, resident of Siemianówka

Ms. Julia was born during the war, in Siemianowka, where she still lives today. It was here that she finished elementary school and then stayed with her parents to help them with their daily hard work on the land. It was also here, in Siemianowka, that she met her future husband. Fate brought him to her after he was transferred from his previous job in Narewka. Walenty was a teacher. After just eight months of acquaintance, according to old tradition, he sent his uncle on a matchmaking trip. The matchmaking was accepted, and on May 28 Julia and Walenty were married. This memorable day Mrs. Julia recalls to this day. The wedding and reception took place according to local custom. She left for the Orthodox church from her family home and her fiancé waited for her there with his own wedding party. After the wedding ceremony, everyone returned to the bride’s home, where the party continued until dawn. On the second day, the bride’s guests placed gifts in the hands of the matchmaker, who announced at the ceremony who and what had been given. The rest of the wedding party moved to the newlywed’s home. The bride would go there with a “prydanij” or dowry transported in a large wooden box. There, the story repeated itself – the wedding party continued the party and placed their gifts.

The young couple, after getting married, moved in with Ms. Julia’s parents. However, they dreamed of having their own four corners, so they quickly built their house. At the age of 30, Julia began working at a local store. Her husband continued his work as a teacher. Four beautiful daughters were born to them. As a teacher’s wife, she participated in various school celebrations and also outdoor trips and picnics. They had a bonfire, went boating on the Narew river. It was nice and fun.

With age came illness. First, the husband became ill. At the age of 58, he had one leg amputated and after three years, the other. Julia bravely took care of her husband for 22 years – until it came time for them to part forever.

After a while, she also began to need help. Due to diabetes, doctors amputated her right leg. She would not have been able to cope without the support of her daughters and our hospice. Our doctor visits her once a month and Ms. Kasia the physiotherapist conducts rehabilitation exercises with her twice a week. Ms. Julia appreciates every visit we make. We always find it hard to part with her.

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