Ms. Halinka

She was born in Mościska village, municipality of Michalowo and started elementary school here, but completed only 3 classes, located in private houses. Then it was necessary to commute to Michalowo and this is about 5 km. As she says, the commute varied: in the summer by bicycle and in the winter her father took the children by sleigh, because she had two other brothers and a sister. Than she graduated from High School in Michalowo.

She got a job in Bialystok as an accountant in an office, where she worked until retirement, more than 40 years. In 1962 she got married and commuted from Narew. This lasted only three years, as she contracted tuberculosis, was treated for a long time, spent six months in a sanatorium and did not return to Narew. She settled with her parents again, commuting by bus, and since 1976 she has lived in Bialystok.

She had no children. When her parents grew old, she returned to Mosciska and took care of them until their death. And she already stayed in the countryside. She was very fond of working in the vegetable garden and knitting in the evenings.

Then illnesses came – cancer, osteoporosis, and degenerative-degenerative changes in the spine, which prevent her from moving normally, as she has limitations in the mobility of her back. Bilateral hearing loss also follows. She has sought help from various doctors but treatment has been unsuccessful. She was unable to get to rehabilitation in Michalowo and didn’t know about home rehabilitation from the National Health Fund. Her niece reported her aunt to a home hospice and we took care of Mrs. Halina.

She highly praises the home hospice rehabilitation treatments, but is also waiting in line for home rehabilitation treatments from the National Health Fund. She always waits for our team’s visits because she feels lonely and likes to talk to us. She walks us all the way to the stairs and thanks us for our visit several times each.

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