On October 1st, 2020, the Partnership project “Dać to, czego naprawdę potrzeba – To give what is really needed” was launched as an innovative model of professional home care for dependent, terminally and chronically ill people and the support for their carers in rural areas. The project was initiated by the Foundation and then developed in a cooperation with the Partners. The project was submitted to a competition for the social innovation announced by the European Commission. Our project was appreciated and selected in the competition settled in June 2020.
The project is funded by the European Program for Employment and Social Innovation (“EaSI”) 2014-2020. The partners of the Prophet Elijah Hospice Foundation are: Podlaskie Voivodeship – Regional Center for Social Policy (ROPS) in Białystok, Institute of Rural Development and Agriculture of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IRWiR PAN) in Warsaw and the NGO’s Support Center (OWOP) in Białystok.